To be black in America is one thing. We al the history here. However
it's a completely different experience being black in japan. There is
no history. Nothing but they had seen on tv. The good as the bad. Now
I've made the point to be quite blunt fir this blog. I'm going to come
very real so lif you can't handle it then I suggest that you stop
reading now.
What I have come to realize is that people here love the idea of the
rap nigga. They live their hip hop here. And I have to admit some of
it is very good. But what I found disheartening is the loss of history
as to how hiphop really started. What the actuall history is. All they
know that it's cool have Afros (mind you they RUIN their hair tying to
get the texture). It's hot to have the baggy jeans. The gangsta color
bandanas. It is so lost on them the actual history. And in a way I
blame the hiphop niggas that are out there now who themselves have
lost what it means to rap. To be discuss the struggles that people
are facing. It ain't nothing but ho this and umma fuck that one and
suck my dick. The Japanese won't go that far but they are picking the
video ho. I saw a video the other day of pharrell featured with a
Japanese rap group. Now behind them was nothing but Asian ass. It
wasn't bare ass but it was just ass shaking.
We as black people need to seriously realize that those in the public
eye project an image to the rest of the world. And that image is being
projected on everyone else. When I walk around the city, I get looks
of amazement. I usually just laugh it off because I find it funny and
I still do. But after my contemplations, I wonder what they are in
amazement of. Is it because I am black woman waking around the city
like I have lived here all my life? Or are they projecting the video
go on me?
Sent from my iPhone
Wish I was there with you!
Love - Mike
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