Monday, January 5, 2009

Test Out Post - 2 days and Counting

So the blog is now officially up. You must be asking me whether I am excited. Well....yea! I leave for Japan in 2 days! It's been something I have wanted to do since college. I never had a chance to study abroad due to my ambitious courseload, so this is to make up for lost time and chances.

Plus think about all the crazy stories I'll be able to talk about. Now, I have already done my homework and have determined all the hotspots to see within the first weekend so I can get it out of my system. This first weekend is gonna be a trip. :D

Now all I have to do is pack....four months of clothes....into two suitcase and a joke of a carry-on....Yikes God save me...

Quick Notes:
Pics will be up regularly and as well as videos. I will be documenting every possible moment. GET ready..Lord knows I am.




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