Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Black Woman's Plight

This entry is particularly set to my sistas out there . . .

The main questions have been getting a lot from people back home is "How is the dating situation?"

"Do you have a Japanese boyfriend?"

"How does it feel to be the only black female in the entire Tokyo area?"

Black women are in small numbers, no one can deny that. However, I would rather state it this way, "Black women are a limited commodity."

You will get attention for all types of men - White, Black, Hispanic and Asian. Here in Tokyo, I find that it is a chance for them to really experiment and try out something they have always wanted to but never had the gall to do it back at home. This is especially pertinent to the Japanese guys here. I have found that Japanese men here are VERY curious about Black women. I have had men who wanted to take pictures with me, tell me that I am very beautiful or just wanting to come talk to me and see whether they would have a chance with me.

Since I have been here, I have been absolutely basking in this attention. I mean, it is so much better than it is back at home. Think about it, my fellow sistas, do you have Asian men tripping over themselves to talk to you? Do you see White men clamoring to say hey to you? I don't know about you, but at least for me, NOT REALLY.

I live right by a major office for Nissan and I see Japanese men all the time coming in and out of the office. I find the walk to school a catwalk. I feel their stairs all the time, but its not anything bad but of curiosity. Of wonder. Of appreciation. Of something they would like to know. I simply smile at them and keep on walking. I appreciate it all. As a matter of fact, I simply love it. Especially when I am done up, I can see their inner fight - to come up and say hi. And if you are bold (like I am), you could just go right up and start a conversation with them (if you are good in Japanese - better for you).

So what is the black woman's plight? Being spoiled by this. I know that once I make it back home, it is back the same old thing. The under-appreciation of the beauty that is a black woman. Now with our black president and black first lady, maybe there will be a change in that perspective. However, until I witness it or experience myself, I just may want to stay here in Japan and bask in this sun.
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